Thank you for your generosity. You are making a huge difference!
Different ways for you to give.
- Online: With your Credit Card via Go Fund Me, it’s easy and secure using the form below or Click here to give.
- By Check: Make your check payable to “Bridges of Grace ” and mail it to:
Bridges of Grace
13211 Minnetonka Drive Minnetonka MN 55305
Why give to Bridges of Grace?
Even though we are a Minnesota based Charitable Organization, we serve the local people of Kampala, Uganda through our vision partner – the Sendi Ian Foundation: We’re not a national organization with a lot of overhead or administrative layers. We’re much more of a grass roots organization; our Kampala offices are in the same building we use to serve our neighbors; and any time we are open, you are welcome to come and see the work for yourself.
We’re accountable: We have intentionally placed ourselves in a position where we are accountable to other groups, partners, funders, and members of the community who may do period checks on our books, and ongoing projects to ensure continued transparency and accountability.
We’re official: Bridges of Grace is a Minnesota based 501c3 tax-exempt charitable organization, which simply means that if you itemize deductions on your federal tax returns, you may be able to include contributions to Bridges of Grace as a deduction.